Breeding horses can be a big money making business. For those who are a part of this business, every successful conception counts. If you want to make sure your horses are ready for breeding and will produce healthy and beautiful foals, you may want to consider using horse supplements. These supplements will help ensure your horses will be at the top of their game when it comes time for breeding.
Types of Horse Supplements used for Breeding
For breeders, it is very important for horses to be healthy and happy in order to produce strong and healthy foals. This is especially true when it comes to performance horses, because the right breeding can mean a lot of money can be made.
If you are new to breeding, here are just a few of the most used kinds of supplements.
Calcium and Phosphorus- This combination is most often used for mares. When combined correctly, it will help ensure a better immune system and will also provide the nutrients needed for foal development. It helps a growing foal to develop a strong bone structure while within the womb. This is also one of many horse supplements that can increase fertility in mares.Linseed Oil- This popular type of horse supplement is generally used to help increase a stallion's fertility. It is thought to help the immune system, increase the total amount of semen, and increase the overall health of a stallion. These changes are often contributed to the number of Omega-3 fatty acids located in the linseed oil.
Honey- Many horse supplements contain honey, which offers rich antioxidants and other minerals which help in the vitality, stamina, and sex drive of a horse. When combined with garlic and glucose, honey supplements can also aid with respiratory and blood circulation.
Calmers-There are several different types of calming supplements available, each containing different ingredients. The purpose of these calming supplements during breeding is to reduce the stress of brood mare while breeding is taking place. Less stress can make it easier for fertilization to occur.
Why Use Horse Supplements During Breeding?
Some breeders may question whether they should use horse supplements during breeding. These supplements are generally not harmful to the horse, and can be beneficial in many ways, including:
· Boosting the immune system
· Increasing fertilization
· Reduce stress
· Assist in foal development
· Increase stamina
· Increase sex drive
· Reduce strain on muscles during breeding
The supplements may also contain ingredients that can help in other areas of the horse's health, such as blood circulation, respiratory problems, weight gain, and hoof health. While not every breeder will want to start his horses on a supplement to assist with breeding, they can be helpful when used correctly.
If you are new to breeding, and want to help your horses as much as possible during the process, consider using horse supplements. There is a good chance your horses will be much happier, healthier, and much more fertile if you do.
Equiform Nutrition has been a leader in horse supplements and natural equine health for the past century. We offer a complete range of horse supplements, including vitamin and mineral supplements, anti-anxiety aids, horse joint supplements and other products especially created to support performance.
We create our supplements using the most rigid standards of production and the highest quality and purest ingredients. We never use banned substances, so you can use our supplements with the confidence of knowing you are within regulations with horses running under rule.
Check our full line of horse supplements, as well as our immune range, our performance range, breeding supplements, hoof health line, and our other health specialty formulas. We are here to meet the needs of your horse.

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